SpectraLab User Interface

General Design

Launching the stand-alone version of SpLab results in the appearance of two main windows - the chart window (on the left) and the main program control and data manipulation window (on the right). The instrument-specific versions also open the instrument control interface window (in the right lower corner of the screen). Below is a screenshot of the SpectraLab screen, which you will see after installing the program and launching it. Please note that, when launched, SpectraLab always loads the dataset saved at the end of the previous session. The dataset seen in this screenshot is a series of spectra of cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) obtained in its titration with bromocryptine.

The chart window displays a plot of either the focused trace or an overlay of the plots of all traces selected for display (depending on the state of "Show multiple" checkbox in the control window). The main control splitter window contains three panes: the top pane is used for general control of the program, the left lower pane contains the list of all currently loaded data sets (individual spectra or kinetic traces) and the right lower pane displays a list of the datapairs (X and Y values) of the focused dataset.

 The top pane of the main window (Splab-Controls pane) contains:

The left bottom pane of the main splitter window contains 132 lines corresponding to 132 slots for the individual datasets (traces) available in the program. Each line contains:

The values of these parameters and position of the switches for the focused trace can be modified through the "Data set" block in the control pane. Clicking on any line in the left pane results in selection of the respective dataset as a "focused trace". Selection of focused trace may be also achieved using a combination of "Shift" with the "up", "down", "page-up", "page-down", "home" and "end" keys of the keyboard.

The right bottom pane shows the data pairs (X,Y-pairs) of the focused dataset. This window also contains a column ("Y calc") for calculated (fitting) value of Y, which appears there after non-linear regression (data fitting) procedure. Clicking on any line of this pane results in positioning the data point cursor on the respective data pair. The X and Y values for this pair may be modified using the "Data point" block in the control pane. This control block may be also used for deleting the point and adding new data points to the trace.

Shortcut Keys:

Key combination Effect
Alt-ADD   (Alt-"+" key in the numeric keypad)
Summarize two traces (add a trace to the focused one)
Alt-SUBTRACT (Alt-"-" key in the numeric keypad)
Subtract a trace (from the focused one)
Alt-MULTIPLY (Alt-"*" key in the numeric keypad)
Multiply the focused trace by a constant
Alt-DIVIDE  (Alt-"/" key in the numeric keypad)
Divide the focused trace by a constant
Shift-DOWN Shift focus down (in the list of traces)
Shift-UP Shift Focus up (in the list of traces)
Shift-HOME Focus on the first trace
Shift-END Focus on the last (#132) trace
Shift-PageDown Shift focus 8 traces down
Shift-PageUp Shift focus 8 traces up
INSERT Toggle trace selection and shift down
Alt-RETURN Accept all changes (trace,point,comment)
RETURN ("Enter" key ) Execute command line(= EXEC button)
Ctrl-DownArrow Move cursor one point right
Ctrl-UpArrow Move cursor one point left
Ctrl-Home Move cursor to the first point
Ctrl-End Move cursor to the last point
Ctrl-PageDown Move cursor 8 points right
Ctrl-PageUp Move cursor 8 points left
Ctrl-Return (Ctrl-"Enter") Accept changes to the data point (or add a new point)
Ctrl-ADD (Ctrl-"+" key in the numeric keypad) Add a constant to the current trace
Ctrl-SUBTRACT (Ctrl-"-" key in the numeric keypad) Subtract a constant from the current trace
Ctrl-MULTIPLY (Ctrl-"*" key in the numeric keypad) Multiply the current trace by a constant
Ctrl-INSERT Add a new data point
Ctrl-DELETE Delete data point
Shift-RETURN Accept changes to the trace parameters
Shift-ADD (Re)plot all selected traces
Shift-SUBTRACT (Re)plot the focused trace only
Shift-DELETE Delete the focused trace (with warning)
Alt-INSERT Toggle selection of the current trace
Alt-Y Delete the current trace (no warning)
Alt-S Invoke recursive subtraction (SUB) script